After a period of intense emotional upheaval, Laurence relocated from North Wales to a cider farm on the outskirts of his home city of Bristol, to finish his studies in agroforestry.
High rents, low availability and limited resources restricted his options. He moved on to the farm and into a caravan which offered time and space for reflection and solitude. The working farm reminded him of the importance of human closeness, connection and community.
The caravan allowed Laurence to be amongst the nature that his work is so intwined with. Separated from the elements by the thinnest of structures heightened the connection to the land that bricks and mortar would not have afforded him, but also brought its own struggles over the cold winter months. ultimately, it enabled him to put agro-ecological principals and agroforestry approaches into practice and benefit from the cathartic power of the world’s natural beauty.